Technical Bulletins

Technical Bulletin: Disaster Recovery

On Saturday February 13th, 2016 at 7:50 AM, Oneir Solutions Emergency Support line received a call.  On the other end of the line was Craig Chadwick, President of Chadwick Electric Limited.  They had a devastating fire the night before.  The successful conclusion to this occurrence is the result of the management and staff at Chadwick, Oneir Solutions and Phil, Chadwick’s on-site tech working as a team to implement Chadwick’s Disaster Recovery Plan.

Fortunately for Craig, he had the foresight to follow Oneir Solutions recommended procedures and moved his data backup off site.

Effective Data Backup is the first step to your Disaster Recovery Plan

To assist with the commissioning of a new Oneir Solutions Linux server, we have put in place a backup routine that both backs up your company(s) data, the o/s configuration, the users and printer set ups.  This backup should be passed over to a storage area where your technical […]

Technical Bulletin: Stop Unwanted Access into Your Oneir Solutions Server

A number of our valued Oneir Solutions customers still do NOT have adequate security for their Oneir Solutions server. There have been some recent examples that have come to the attention of our Customer Support team during the past week. One example is the error message shown below. This usually means that (since VMware is running) that the ssh daemon has been compromised or under stress.  The attacks pretty much max out the number of ssh connections – when VMware is rebooted, it will allow a connection usually once and then not again.

Technical Bulletin: Stop Oneir Solutions Freezing on Windows 10

For several months, many of our Oneir Solutions customers, including ourselves, who have updated to Windows 10 have been experiencing random freezing on their data entry screens. The issue arose from an update by Microsoft to one of their Windows 10 releases that affected the operation of Eric’s TelNet98.