Getting paid with a credit card traditionally meant paying a ton of fees to access this service, not to mention all the expensive hardware and complex gateway services you’d be responsible for paying. Thankfully, these days of complexity are gone thanks to credit card readers that simply plugs into your smartphone or tablet and can process transactions on the fly.
Process Payments on the Fly
A credit card reader for smartphones a device that provides businesses with a host of benefits. This is particularly true if your business has you traveling the majority of the time.
Aside from looking extremely high-tech, today’s credit card readers are incredibly functional. You can essentially accept credit cards no matter where you are, or what time it is. Whether you’ve got a brick and mortar store, or are a traveling personal trainer, can significantly boost your sales and even streamline your invoice process. This device really does offer the ultimate in convenience and functionality.
How Does a Credit Card Reader Work?
All you need to do is attach your credit card reader to your smartphone, and you can accept payments on the spot. This system is ideal for businesses that sell in a variety of places. It’s also great for those who want to process transactions anywhere in the store or outdoors, or those who might only make a few transactions a day at physical locations.
Let’s say you’re holding a yoga class in the park, or are an artist selling your pieces door-to-door. Having a credit card reader that can process payments through your smartphone or tablet is a super convenient way to collect payment without forcing your customers to fill out a pesky form with all their pertinent information, then wait until you get to your physical establishment before completing the transactions.
A Word About Security
Of course, the level of convenience that credit card readers offer is important; however, the ease of transactions should never come at the expense of security. After all, we’re talking about customers’ credit card information. Your clients need to be certain and comfortable that their information is in good hands, and that it won’t be sent off into cyberspace ready to be plucked by an awaiting hacker. A lot should be said about the security level of customer data.
Now that you know how a smartphone credit card reader can streamline your payments and transaction, it’s time to find the right solution for your business. And at Oneir Solutions, we can ease your business right into the credit card reader realm seamlessly and painlessly.
Contact us today to find out more!