The benefits of implementing a fully-integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution into your business are extensive. And while there may be plenty of options out there for the choosing, the real important task is finding the right one. There are a number of steps that need to be taken in order to ensure that you are selecting the ideal ERP for your particular niche and business. Here are some guidelines to consider.


Keep the scale of your ERP project in mind. An ERP solution is not just your average run-of-the-mill project. Instead, it’s a business-wide implementation that needs to get right the first time. The entire process should be broken down into smaller steps to help ensure all your bases are covered as necessary, and that the right individuals are selected to help you fully integrate your ERP solution.

Work closely with IT during the process. Your IT department knows what they are doing, so it’s important and helpful to put some trust into them or alternatively that your ERP vendor can and will fill any void. Since the entire process of implementing an ERP solution can get complex at times, it’s important to have professionals by your side to iron out the kinks. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’ve got team members that can back you up and are good at what they do.

Train your staff and team. You might have the best system out there, but without full knowledge on how to use it, it won’t be utilized to its highest degree. The users of the system need to be capable of optimizing the use of the system to streamline their day-to-day activities. With ERP systems from Oneir Solutions, this step can be much simpler as the system really is user-friendly. An easy-to-use system and full training can make the software work to its highest and best use.


Be resistant to change. Users can often get overwhelmed with all the new features that come with an innovative ERP system. Some employees with lots of seniority within the company may be hesitant to adopt new procedures and systems, which will therefore get in the way of learning exactly how the new system works. Some may not be entirely comfortable with the fact that their activity can be better tracked by management. Whatever the case may be, it’s important that such concerns are alleviated so that they don’t stand in the way of embracing change and learning how to operate a more streamlined and innovative system.

Have unrealistic expectations. Many people want instant gratification, and expect things like ERP software to bring about immediate change and improvement with the click of a button. While the ERP solutions from Oneir are certainly top-notch, it’s still important to understand that it takes a little bit of time for such systems to fully work their magic. Patience is a virtue here, which means things should be taken slowly at first. The end result will certainly be worth the wait.

Keep these tips in mind when implementing the best ERP solution for your business. To find out more about ERP software from Oneir Solutions Inc, visit today or contact our helpful sales team by emailing [email protected] or calling 877-322-3580 x1 today.