No matter what business you hail from, the advent of technology into the marketplace has completely reinvented how we do business.

With competition becoming increasingly fierce, it’s imperative that businesses remain on the forefront of their customer’s minds, and that includes making things as convenient as possible through virtual payment processing.

Rare is the customer who prefers to pay with cash. And when shopping online, that’s a certified impossible feat.

And while credit cards come with their own set of benefits (such as points collection), and bank cards make it easy for consumers to avoid having to make hourly trips to the local ATM, it’s the online purchasing power that is dictating how easy it is for buyers to shop – and businesses to collect payments. *** Note that for businesses, their credit card has become their bank “Line of Credit” ***.

That’s where integrated bank credit and debit card processing and authorization software comes into play.

Imagine being able to process payments on the fly, no matter where you are. That’s the power of integrated bank credit and debit card processing.

Fully integrated card authorization software can warp-speed your clients’ payments, spike productivity, and boost cash flow, all without the need to depend on in-person cash exchanging at the till..These same benefits even kick in while you are taking orders over the phone or through your eCommerce Website over the Internet..

It’s a win-win situation for both sides of the transaction.

A simple bank and credit card authorization software can literally revolutionize how businesses handle sales and payment transactions. With just about everyone and their mother using plastic to purchase via the online world, it only makes sense to capitalize on this fact and make it easy for people to complete their payment virtually. Not only is it more convenient for them, it’s also lucrative to your business.

It’s fast, it’s easy, and it’s secure. You can’t beat that.

In a nutshell, let’s run down the benefits of integrated bank and credit card processing and authorization software:

• Receive final payments for products the second they’re shipped
• Take deposits to secure a confirmed order
• Register sales through your mobile device right from your customer’s office
• Immediate sales confirmation emails sent after the transaction is complete
• Order is immediately forwarded for warehouse picking, packing and shipping
• Input sales directly to your database
• Print customer invoices on the spot
• Charge new sales to the previously recorded credit card accounts

At the end of the day, convenience translates into profits. Your bottom line can be significantly improved with the implementation of bank and credit card authorization software. Get in touch with Oneir Solutions to learn more!