Oneir Solutions Inc & Global Payments have entered into a partnership to seamlessly integrate the next generation of OpenEdge payment gateway software for debit and credit card processing with Oneir Solutions ERP multi-channel sales software. This technically advanced solution gives business the opportunity to increase their competitive advantage with a more complete business solution while securing their mission critical assets.

Increase efficiency. Streamline your operations by eliminating duplication of payment data entry… and its associated risk of keying errors.

Multi-Channel Processing Options. Not just for processing retail Point of Sale transactions, but also for phone, mail order and Web store bankcard processing, for processing repetitive contract sales and club memberships as well as just taking bankcard payments for your outstanding customer accounts receivables… Oneir Solutions provides integrated bankcard authorization for all your multi-channel selling and processing needs while seamlessly updating your financial records.

Benefit from no-delay Processing. Use the speed and security of the Internet. No more delays from dial-up modems and entering the charges into a non-integrated PIN Pad!

Upgrade your Solution. Global Payments will match your credit card processing rates and provide the Open Edge payment gateway solution. Terms and conditions apply.

Whether you have retail, wholesale or e-Commerce sales for products, or services, Oneir Solutions now offers integrated bankcard payments no matter how many locations or where the payment is being accepted within Oneir Solutions.

The OpenEdge payment application facilitates seamless connectivity between your Windows®-based computer and Global Payments, for fast and secure fully-integrated transaction processing.

It provides full EMV credit and debit transaction processing through the secure PIN Pad. The PIN Pad connects directly into your computer system, for easy integration and an efficient payment experience.

OpenEdge is pre-certified with Oneir Solutions Inc software solutions and can be integrated with your existing solution in a matter of days.

Designed in accordance with PCI DSS and PA DSS standards, OpenEdge ensures that your solution does not handle sensitive cardholder data, reducing your scope and costs associated with maintaining compliance. The “tokenization” feature further eliminates your need to store, transmit and process sensitive card data.

Comprehensive real-time transaction reporting is available through the OpenEdge application, enabling simplified management and streamlined reconciliation.

For further details on how an Oneir Solutions Inc customer improved their productivity using the OpenEdge integrated bank card authorization, and thus their competitiveness, visit

Contact our helpful sales team at 877-322-3580 x1 or [email protected] to see how you can make your business more competitive.